Guide to Policy Governance

政策治理是董事会的一个概念模型,为2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站董事会的战略领导提供了一个框架. The model enables the board to free itself from unnecessary, 耗费时间的细节和关注治理的主要目的, 创建并维持组织对社区的贡献. 2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站董事会主要关注组织的目的(为什么人生产什么好东西)和授权手段(2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站服务), and operations) used to achieve the ENDs to the president. 2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站董事会代表可识别的所有权进行管理,并以外部和未来为导向.

In fulfilling its role, the board essentially performs three jobs. They link with the communities that own the institution, 他们制定政策,并通过总统的表现来确保机构的绩效.

The model is based on 10 principles of trusteeship:

  1. The board exists to represent the ownership of the institution. 董事会的首要职责是界定和联系所有权;
  2. The board has authority only as a whole; individual trustees have no individual power to govern the institution or direct the president or staff;
  3. The board’s decisions and directions are expressed as policy, 哪个是董事会的价值观和观点的表达. The second job responsibility for the board is to make policy;
  4. In making policy, 董事会从大型政策声明开始,然后系统地一步一步地缩小政策声明的范围, 直到他们对总统可能做出的任何合理解释感到满意;
  5. 董事会就组织的运作方式主动界定并授权给总裁, rather than reacting to and ratifying administration’s proposals. 他们不参与管理业务、员工或设施;
  6. 治理的一个关键职责是确定组织的目的(期望的结果). ENDs define what good is produced for which people, at what cost. 可持续发展目标的政策以外部需求为基础,并应与战略规划联系起来;
  7. 该委员会通过将总统不得逾越的界限定义为政策,来解决总统为实现目的而使用的手段. The definitions comprise the Executive Limitations policies;
  8. 董事会负责为治理流程政策中定义的董事会实践设计自己的工作职责和标准;
  9. 董事会定义了与行政部门的关系,这些关系是授权的、负责任的和明确的. The relationships are stated in Board-CEO Relationship policies; and
  10. 根据政策标准严格监控机构绩效. 董事会的第三项职责是,通过监督实现目标的进展和遵守限制,确保高管和机构的绩效.

Policy Categories


  1. 结束:董事会最重要的工作是设计使命和与使命相关的陈述,清楚地说明期望的结果, the ENDs, of the organization’s action are to be. What needs are to be met, for whom, and at what cost? 组织的行动将如何改变世界? 该机构的2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站对其服务对象的预期结果是什么?
  2. 执行限制:董事会规定机构的目标, 它只是限制了总统运作的手段. 这些限制是审慎原则和道德原则,构成了总统行为的界限, activities, circumstances and methods.
  3. 董事会与首席执行官的关系:除了设定愿景和定义什么是不适当的总统行为, 董事会必须就其与总统的关系制定政策. 从本质上讲,首席执行官是董事会的唯一雇员,也是董事会与员工之间的纽带. 董事会-CEO关系政策定义了CEO的角色、授权和责任.
  4. Governance Process: The board sets policies for its own workings, its responsibilities (noted above), its structure, how meetings will be conducted and standards for the board. 这些政策强化了董事会提供愿景和管理领导的责任.